Mac, Me, and the other man in my life.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Animoto and Animal Teeth

Well I was never able to view David's tutorial on the Animoto project, but overall I thought the product was simple to use.

I created a video that could be used for a Fourth grade science lesson on animal teeth & diet. Animoto offers a free 30-second video so it may be difficult to get the entire point across using the topic I had chose. However, I thought the video process provided a pretty neat twist to the lesson. Check out my lesson Animal Teeth and Diet.

Once I completed the project I decided Animoto (the Pro version) would be a great project to use to post class pictures and field trips to a classroom website. A slide show with some added Justin Bieber might just be the hook to get students to log on and possibly utilize some of the additional resources provided.

I'm loving all these new and fun technologies that will help make my classroom one that belongs in the 21st Century.

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